Accurascan brings the future of ID Card Scanning to you. The best of its kind, Accura Scan App, is an all-in-one ID Card Scanner, Passport Scanner, Visa Scanner and Driving License Scanner. With the use of a mobile camera, this document scanner App, extracts all details of your essential travel, immigration and id card documents into your smartphone and transfers it in the application's Cloud servers for secured storage. This ideal mobile passport reader saves you and your employees' time without the risk of error involved in manual data entry.
Whats New
1. Spain ID Card with DNI
2. USA Driving License
3. Pan Card India full OCR
4. Aadhaar Card India full OCR
5. All Barcodes and PDF417
Why Accurascan is the best document scanner App for commercial use?
★ This ID scanner app enhances your business productivity with an assurance of 100% precision and accuracy
★ This unique document scanner app with its lightning speed recognition saves your time, energy and money which you would otherwise have to spend on a physical scanning device
★ Enabled with OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and MRZ (Machine Readable Zone) feature this passport reader app reads the scannable MRZ of ID cards, Visas and Passports of USA and all other countries
★ The Accura Scan Application's SDK and API allow integration of this mobile scanner app with other existing apps to fulfill the custom needs of the user
Special Advantages of Accura Scan App
★ Quick camera capture for faster guest check-in; saves time
★ Works locally on a device even without internet connection
★ Consumes less memory
★ Eliminates manual data entry errors
★ Provides digital storage; saves costs of document copying, filing and storage
★ Improves staff output
★ Can be integrated into other existing applications with Accura Scan's SDK and API
★ The app and SDK are compatible on both iOS and Android platforms
★ Can be customized according to user's requirements
★ Transfers data to the application's cloud servers for safety
Who Can Use?
✔️ Hotels
✔️ Security
✔️ Airline
✔️ Immigration & Border Control
✔️ Car Rental
✔️ Banking & Finance
✔️ Telecom
Please Note: This is a free demo version to prove the app's capabilities.
If you want extensive usage of the app for a longer period, you can buy from us the license of our SDK and API. We have a range of transparent paid plans. The best option will be suggested to you with regard to your custom business needs.
To enjoy the benefits of Accurascan ID Card Reader, download the app for a free trial or contact us at:
or visit us at
We would love to get your feedback. If you like our app or any of its features, do not forget to rate us on Google Play.
Accurascan membawa masa depan ID Card Scanning kepada Anda. Yang terbaik dari jenisnya, Accura Scan App, adalah Scanner Kartu ID all-in-one, Scanner Paspor, Visa Scanner, dan SIM Scanner. Dengan menggunakan kamera ponsel, Aplikasi pemindai dokumen ini, ekstrak semua rincian dokumen perjalanan, imigrasi dan dokumen id Anda ke ponsel cerdas Anda dan transfer di server Cloud aplikasi untuk penyimpanan aman. Pembaca paspor mobile ideal ini menghemat waktu Anda dan karyawan Anda tanpa risiko kesalahan yang terlibat dalam entri data manual.
Apa yang baru
1. Kartu ID Spanyol dengan DNI
3. Pan Card India penuh OCR
4. Aadhaar Card India penuh OCR
5. Semua Barcode dan PDF417
Mengapa Accurascan adalah Aplikasi pemindai dokumen terbaik untuk penggunaan komersial?
★ Aplikasi pemindai ID ini meningkatkan produktivitas bisnis Anda dengan jaminan presisi dan akurasi 100%
★ Aplikasi pemindai dokumen unik ini dengan pengakuan kecepatan cahayanya menghemat waktu, tenaga, dan uang yang seharusnya Anda habiskan di perangkat pemindaian fisik
★ Diaktifkan dengan OCR (Pengenalan Karakter Optik) dan MRZ (Machine Readable Zone) menampilkan aplikasi pembaca paspor ini yang membaca MRZ yang dapat dipindai dari kartu ID, Visa dan Paspor AS dan semua negara lainnya
★ Aplikasi SDK dan API Accura Scan Application memungkinkan integrasi aplikasi pemindai seluler ini dengan aplikasi lain yang ada untuk memenuhi kebutuhan khusus pengguna
Keunggulan Khusus Aplikasi Pindai Accura
★ Pengambilan kamera cepat untuk check-in tamu yang lebih cepat; menghemat waktu
★ Bekerja secara lokal di perangkat bahkan tanpa koneksi internet
★ Membutuhkan lebih sedikit memori
★ Menghilangkan kesalahan entri data manual
★ Menyediakan penyimpanan digital; menghemat biaya penyalinan dokumen, pengarsipan dan penyimpanan
★ Meningkatkan output staf
★ Dapat diintegrasikan ke aplikasi lain yang ada dengan SDK dan API Accura Scan
★ Aplikasi dan SDK kompatibel pada platform iOS dan Android
★ Dapat disesuaikan sesuai dengan kebutuhan pengguna
★ Transfer data ke server cloud aplikasi untuk keamanan
Siapa yang Dapat Menggunakan?
✔️ Hotel
✔️ Keamanan
✔️ Airline
✔️ Kontrol Imigrasi & Perbatasan
✔️ Car Rental
✔️ Perbankan & Keuangan
✔️ Telecom
Harap Catatan: Ini adalah versi demo gratis untuk membuktikan kemampuan aplikasi.
Jika Anda ingin menggunakan aplikasi secara luas untuk jangka waktu yang lebih lama, Anda dapat membeli dari kami lisensi SDK dan API kami. Kami memiliki berbagai rencana berbayar transparan. Pilihan terbaik akan disarankan kepada Anda sehubungan dengan kebutuhan bisnis khusus Anda.
Untuk menikmati manfaat dari Pembaca Kartu ID Accurascan, unduh aplikasinya untuk uji coba gratis atau hubungi kami di:
atau kunjungi kami di
Kami ingin mendapatkan tanggapan Anda. Jika Anda menyukai aplikasi kami atau salah satu fiturnya, jangan lupa untuk menilai kami di Google Play.
Accurascan brings the future of ID Card Scanning to you. The best of its kind, Accura Scan App, is an all-in-one ID Card Scanner, Passport Scanner, Visa Scanner and Driving License Scanner. With the use of a mobile camera, this document scanner App, extracts all details of your essential travel, immigration and id card documents into your smartphone and transfers it in the application's Cloud servers for secured storage. This ideal mobile passport reader saves you and your employees' time without the risk of error involved in manual data entry.
Whats New
1. Spain ID Card with DNI
2. USA Driving License
3. Pan Card India full OCR
4. Aadhaar Card India full OCR
5. All Barcodes and PDF417
Why Accurascan is the best document scanner App for commercial use?
★ This ID scanner app enhances your business productivity with an assurance of 100% precision and accuracy
★ This unique document scanner app with its lightning speed recognition saves your time, energy and money which you would otherwise have to spend on a physical scanning device
★ Enabled with OCR (Optical Character Recognition) and MRZ (Machine Readable Zone) feature this passport reader app reads the scannable MRZ of ID cards, Visas and Passports of USA and all other countries
★ The Accura Scan Application's SDK and API allow integration of this mobile scanner app with other existing apps to fulfill the custom needs of the user
Special Advantages of Accura Scan App
★ Quick camera capture for faster guest check-in; saves time
★ Works locally on a device even without internet connection
★ Consumes less memory
★ Eliminates manual data entry errors
★ Provides digital storage; saves costs of document copying, filing and storage
★ Improves staff output
★ Can be integrated into other existing applications with Accura Scan's SDK and API
★ The app and SDK are compatible on both iOS and Android platforms
★ Can be customized according to user's requirements
★ Transfers data to the application's cloud servers for safety
Who Can Use?
✔️ Hotels
✔️ Security
✔️ Airline
✔️ Immigration & Border Control
✔️ Car Rental
✔️ Banking & Finance
✔️ Telecom
Please Note: This is a free demo version to prove the app's capabilities.
If you want extensive usage of the app for a longer period, you can buy from us the license of our SDK and API. We have a range of transparent paid plans. The best option will be suggested to you with regard to your custom business needs.
To enjoy the benefits of Accurascan ID Card Reader, download the app for a free trial or contact us at:
or visit us at
We would love to get your feedback. If you like our app or any of its features, do not forget to rate us on Google Play.